With you on your journey toward health, healing and a better quality of life.
The Hebrew word Emmanuel means “God with us” – a belief that inspires everything we do as a provider of quality, compassionate care in the Catholic tradition. “With you” gives expression of this belief. With us and through us, God’s healing presence is alive in our facilities and in the lives of our patients and residents. It also conveys our commitment to journey with each of them toward health, healing and a better quality of life.
Our new visual identity captures the focus, purpose and meaning behind our new name and mission.
Under the leadership of the Bishops of Saskatchewan and through our network of leading Catholic health facilities, we deliver compassionate care rooted in the healing Ministry of Jesus Christ.
To this end, a letter “e”, shepherd’s staff, heart and cross are embedded in the new identity for Emmanuel Care – a symbol as unique as the organization it represents.

Emmanuel Care

Under the leadership of the Bishops of Saskatchewan and through our network of leading Catholic health facilities…

We deliver compassionate care…

Rooted in the healing ministry of Jesus Christ
News media are encouraged to use our logo and high-resolution photos in feature articles and news stories. Logo files are supplied in various file formats below. Specific facility, board and/or staff photos for print publication or broadcast are available upon request.